Sunday, October 10, 2010

Random photos

So, I'm at home, reading a book and nursing a stuffy nose and cough while the others are
visiting San Giminano. I've been placed in charge of trying to upload some photos. Being, the
techno-peasant that I am, I'm not so sure of the wisdom of this, but here goes...

Angela, "our Angel", from the Piccolomini winery
near Poggio di Sopra. When we got to Castelnuovo
del Abate it was getting late & dark. We had been
on every road (we thought) & still couldn't find our
place. We stopped at the winery and Angela, in perfect
English, gave directions and even drove part way there
while we followed. A few days later, when we needed
to find Castello Romitorio it was Angela, again, who provided
assistance, as well as an outstanding wine tasting at the
Piccolomini winery. Thanks, Angela!

Maria Teresa Ferrari, making the world
turn in the pine cone courtyard at the
Vatican. Not just anyone is allowed to do
this. The technology is amazing. No mechanical
parts, just one good push from Teresa and it
turned for a very long time.

This is a picture of an ancient communal olive
press, taken through a window of the building it
is used in in the tiny village of Volpaia

Prosciutto hanging from the ceiling at a wonderful
shop in Greve. We are loving the cured meats!

Roberto, Fernando and Maurizio during our very
special visit to the Montefioralle winery

Tweedle-dee & Tweedle-dum

Oops, Tweedle-dee & Tweedle-dum again. The
techno-peasant can't figure out how to delete
this without losing the whole thing. Surprising,
I know! I'm actually amazed that I've gotten this far.


  1. Carol, I hope you have a miraculous recovery! Even though though bathing the Airedales in Prince Lorenzo Borhese's grapefruit shampoo is as close as I will get to Italy, your blogs bring a whiff of the countryside and a delightful portrait of the people you have met. It sounds to me as if this will be a life-changing experience for all of you...Love to all from Porcupina and Cristobal.

  2. Love back to you from Toppo Giogo (Carol the cheese lover), Bacchus AKA EuroMo, Per Due "pear do ay" (Robb the linguist)and Sontinella - the sentinal to Per Due!

  3. From the other half. I must agree with Kay on your excellent blog. If the girls did not send a copy of this to Ray Liota you mada a mistake. Next time you should get a contract from a travel magazine you do such a mavelous job. Wish I was there.

  4. Ma! Your an amazing techno-peasant! Pictures look fabulous, food looks delicious, and the pics of Mo and Rob cracking up at eachother was the best laugh I've had all day! Love you, miss you.
